I can give a 747 flying f**k about Wiz Khalifa - amber rose- Yung berg - gutter gutter - Mr Real estate - none of these people are important , especially that bird that dissed Amber Rose . f**k a detox until it drops ... Game twitter his finger boo boo ... I like fish stick but I ain't gay fish # just sayin # rt just did a drive by and killed 3 people on 3rd and Never Street threw the strap in a garbage can at this address 1234 Snitch Dr- yeh I'm a killer just sayin# ...
?On the occasion of his father's death in 1982, lawyers contacted anyone who might have claim to the estate. ?Unlike my mum,? Obama tells his half-sister Auma in Dreams, ?Ruth has all the documents needed to prove who Mark's father .... ( easily goggled I'm sure), but the point was that in the Federal Court, the Federal Judge ?Ripped? and I mean ?Ripped? Orly for attempting to bring in a person, that ?Bribed? a Document, into his court and wanted it presented as evidence. ...
I know I'm entertaining them, and I know that they know. I'm like a cockroach - you just can't get rid of me! People who have nothing better to do than talk about my hair color have no lives. I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body! ..... The name is chosen for them by the Rav Berg. The name is referenced through the student's astrological charts and Esther is of course 'The Queen'. However many students have the name Esther. Secondly Madonna has not fallen out with ...